Please submit your research by login into your account and follow the instructions given for possible submission and publishing process. We have designed manuscript templates for each category of articles. Select the appropriate template to present your research findings and submit. We encourage authors to publish high-quality articles, which have not been published elsewhere previously or not under consideration for publication in another journal(s), without causing the delay.
Original Research Article
· The manuscript should be in English language in a word file with images and tables inserted at the end of the manuscript (cited at the required places in the manuscript body).
· The font type should be ‘Times New Roman’ with a font size of ‘12’.
· The document should have the A4 paper size, double spacing (2.0), and normal margins.
· Maximum length: 4000 words (excluding references)
· The manuscript should have the following headings:
q Title page
q Abstract
q Introduction
q Materials and Methods
q Results
q Discussion
q Conclusion
q Acknowledgement
q References
q Figures
q Tables
Title page
- Put the title in as few words as possible which could accurately describe the content of the manuscript.
- Place the title centrally aligned and bold with font size of 14 (capitalise each word).
- This should be followed by author(s) name(s) and affiliations as given below:
Authors’ last name followed by initial words of first namea (eg, Sharma AL)
Separate multiple authors by comma (eg, Sharma ALa, Mathur Mb, Chawla KP)
a Author 1 affiliation
b Author 2 affiliation
- Corresponding author should be addressed with an asterisk mark (*). The asterisk mark should define identification details of corresponding author (name, address, telephone number, and email address) at the end of the title page.
- Place the abstract on a new page. Briefly reflect the contents of the manuscript in abstract in no more than 250 words. It should have sub-headings of:
o Background
o Materials and Methods
o Results and discussion
o Conclusion
- Keywords: Provide a maximum of 6 keywords at the end of the abstract.
- Start it immediately after abstract and cover the importance of your study by collecting information from different relevant articles and cite them in the form of Arabic numerals in square brackets. Also, state the rationale behind your study. Do not exceed more than 300 words.
Materials and Methods
- Start it immediately after introduction. Provide briefly about the methods used to conduct the research (references can also be cited). If statistical method is applicable for the study, state that clearly along with the level of significance chosen. Flow chart for methods can also be added, if any.
- The findings from research are to be presented in this section. The tabular and graphical form can also be added. The tables and figures should have a captioned title which can be cited here and added at the end of the manuscript.
- The findings so obtained from the research should be interpreted in this section along with references cited to provide logical proof/comparison.
- Clearly state the main conclusion of the research and its relevance to the humans. A short paragraph will be sufficient.
- Acknowledge anyone who contributed towards the article preparation who does not include in authorship including persons who provided professional writing services or materials. Write "Not applicable" if there is nobody to acknowledge.
- References should be numbered sequentially in the order in which they first appear in the text. The references in text, tables, and legends should be identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets.
- Prefer following format for references in the list:
o Journals:
Author(s). Article title. Journal Name. Year;vol(issue no.): inclusive pages
Use “et al.” in case of >6 authors. For example, Sharma A, Verma JP, Sikander A Jr, et al. Article title. Journal Name. Year;vol(issue no.): inclusive pages
o Books:
Author(s). Book Title. Edition number (if it is the second edition or above). City, State (or Country) of publisher: Publisher’s name; copyright year.
o Website:
Author (or, if no author is available, the name of the organization responsible for the site). Title (or, if no title is available, the name of the organization responsible for the site). Name of the website. URL. Accessed [date].
- Figures should be inserted at the end of the manuscript after references on a separate page.
- They should be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text.
- They should have a brief captioned title in sentence case.
- Tables should be inserted at the end of the manuscript after figures on a separate page.
- They should be numbered consecutively in the order of appearance in the text.
- They should have a brief captioned title in sentence case.
- The tables should have lines separating rows but not columns and should not contain designs or shadings.
- The notes used for tables should be presented outside table at the bottom. Each superscript and abbreviation (alphabetically) should be defined properly in the table footnotes.
Review Articles
All format requirements are same as those for original research articles except for minor changes in below-given headings:
q Abstract (Background, Methods, Discussion, and Conclusion, Keywords)
q Introduction
q Methods
q Discussion
q Conclusion
q References
q Figures
q Tables
Case Reports
All format requirements are same as those for original research articles except for minor changes in below-given headings:
q Abstract (Background, Case presentation, and Conclusion, Keywords)
q Introduction
q Case presentation
q Discussion and Conclusion
q References
- Background section should explain the background to the case report or study, the objective, and a summary of the literature used.
Case presentation
- Case presentation should include complete description of the patient’s relevant demography, medical history, signs and symptoms, treatment, and outcomes.
Discussion and Conclusions
- Discussion of the case should be made with existing literature and should clearly state the main conclusions.
Ethics Approval
Studies involving animals or humans or contain human data or human tissue must state in the Materials and Methods section whether due permission for conducting these experiments was obtained from the relevant ethics committees.
Consent for Publication
If your manuscript contains an individual person’s data (such as in case reports) in the form of identification material (images or videos), then consent for publication must be obtained from that person or the parent or legal guardian (in case of child patient). The consent form will not be required for submission purposes, but may be requested a copy at any stage of publication.
Copyright and Permission
Authors are required to sign a “Copy Right Transfer Form” at the time of submission of your manuscript.
Publication Charges
There are no charges for the submission and processing of your manuscript.